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Uudet standardit rahtikuljetusten seurantajärjestelmään

Kansainvälisen standardointikomitean ISO TC 204 Intelligent Transport Systems alainen työryhmä WG7 General fleet management and commercial/freight on valmistellut uusia standardeja rahtikuljetusten sähköiseen seurantajärjestelmään. Osa 1 käsittelee tiedonvälitysmenetelmiä ja osa 2 määrittelee yleisen raportointijärjestelmän.

ISO/DIS 24533-1 – Intelligent transport systems — Electronic information exchange to facilitate the movement of freight and its intermodal transfer — Part 1: Road transport information exchange methodology / Älykkään liikenteen järjestelmät. Rahti- ja intermodaalisten kuljetusten sähköinen seurantajärjestelmä. Osa 1: Tiekuljetusten tiedonvälitysmenetelmä

This International Standard specifies the data communication concepts applicable to the movement of freight and its intermodal transfer. These data concepts include information entities (data elements), aggregated/associated information entities (groups of data elements) and messages that comprise information exchanges at transport interfaces along the chain of participants responsible for the delivery of goods from the point of origin through to the final recipient as presented in Figure 1. This includes all transport entities carrying the cargo as well as the documents and information required to facilitate the cargo movement. It does not include order or invoice activity, although block chain, later discussed, may have a corollary role. This International Standard focuses on a single ”thread” of the overall end-to-end supply chain. It includes motor transport data needs within the international supply chain to satisfy the requirements of both businesses and governmental organizations, on B2B as well as B2G relationships. This International Standard is applicable to shipments that originate in one country and terminate in another. It may also be applied to shipments that originate and terminate in a single country. This International Standard is applicable to freight movements that interface with other modes and incorporates requirements set for those other modes. This International Standard does not constrain the requirements of customs, regulatory, and safety bodies at border crossings but does include the data elements likely to be required by customs authorities and other governmental bodies within a single window environment or within a port community system environment.

NOTE This thread may be generalized to address the various combinations of segments that occur in the global supply chain while focusing on the information exchange at the interchange points.

ISO 24533-2:2022 – Intelligent transport systems — Electronic information exchange to facilitate the movement of freight and its intermodal transfer — Part 2: Common reporting system/ Älykkään liikenteen järjestelmät. Rahti- ja intermodaalisten kuljetusten sähköinen seurantajärjestelmä. Osa 2: Yleinen raportointijärjestelmä

This document specifies the data communication concepts applicable to the data requirements of the transport community. It also includes the regulatory authorities related to freight and its intermodal transfer to participate in common reporting. Data communication concepts include information entities (data elements), aggregated/associated information entities (groups of data elements) and messages that comprise information exchanges at transport interfaces along the chain of participants responsible for the delivery of goods from the point of origin through to the final recipient. This includes all transport entities carrying the cargo as well as the documents and information required to facilitate the cargo movement. This document focuses on a single ”thread” of the overall end-to-end supply chain. It includes motor transport data needs within the international supply chain to satisfy the requirements of both businesses and governmental organizations on business to business (B2B), business to government (B2G), government to business (G2B) and government to government (G2G) relationships. This document is applicable to shipments that originate in one country and terminate in another. It can also be applied to shipments that originate and terminate in a single country. This document is applicable to freight movements that interface with other modes and incorporates interface requirements set for those other modes. This document is also designed to incorporate the elements of the Govcbr message (a message developed by the World Customs organization, WCO, that can facilitate data exchange but can potentially not apply to all parties throughout the supply chain) and have them apply across the whole supply-chain, on a global basis. This document does not constrain the requirements of customs, regulatory and safety bodies at border crossings but does include the data elements likely to be required by customs authorities and other governmental bodies within a single window environment or within a port community system environment.

Kimmo Konkarikoski